
Yakitori & Kushiyaki Center is taught
by professionals who
operate 80 yakitori restaurants nationwide, so you can acquire skills and knowledge that can be used!

Are you sure about that Yakitori school?

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of vendors who teach the cutting and skewering of yakitori.
When we started our "Yakitori & Kushiyaki Center" in 2006, there was only one school, but over the next decade or so, quite a few schools (?) have opened. However, there is something that concerns us.

Can these vendors teach useful information without solid know-how and a proven record?

Does the school operate a yakitori restaurant?

We operate approximately 80 stores nationwide, including our directly managed Sengushiya!

Do you operate a thriving yakitori restaurant?

Search Google for our company-owned restaurant "Senkushiya Hatsudai Sohonten" and look up reviews!
If you are contemplating another school, compare it.
The difference should be obvious.

Below are the real numbers for Senkushiya Hatsudai.

平均月商697万円 営業損益 月額169万円

The cost of opening this store is as follows

The cost of opening

Real estate

Compensation payment
Advance rent payment
Brokerage fee

Interior design

Interior and Facilities
Kitchen Facilities

Other equipment

Plates, etc.
Cooking utensils
Promotional item

Total amount ¥9,079,000

Professionals who can achieve such high numbers at a single restaurant are the instructors for the "Yakitori & Kushiyaki School”.

We recommend that you take careful consideration and decide where to enroll to acquire the right skills and knowledge!

Thanks to all the support, Yakitori & Kushiyaki School has been in operation for more than 15 years.

We have completed a total of more than three-digit number of courses, including clients from all over Japan and overseas.

Courses are available to learn not only how to grill yakitori, but also about management.

If you are interested, please apply.

  • フランチャイズでの開業案内
  • やきとり屋開業ノウハウ