開業塾についてAbout Yakitori & Kushiyaki School
- 2人で開業したいので同時にセミナーを受講したいと考えています。この場合、料金はどうなりますか?
- I would like to open a business with a partner and would like to take the seminar at the same time. In this case, what will the fees be?
- Prices are for one person. If two people take the course together, the price for the second person will be half the course fee.
- 調理未経験ですが、受講可能でしょうか?
- I have no experience in cooking, can I still take the course?
- 問題ありません。6日間コースでは包丁の持ち方から指導させていただきますのでご安心ください。
- No problem, we will start teaching how to handle a knife in the 6-day course.
If you have any concerns, perhaps consider applying for the video so that you can review. Discounts are available for those who purchase the videos at the same time they register for the training.
- 開業の予定はないのですが、受講することは可能でしょうか?
- I don't plan to open a restaurant, but can I still take the course?
- 可能です。趣味または退職後を想定して学びたいという方にも受講は可能です。
- Yes, it is possible. We also welcome those who want to learn yakitori as a hobby or in anticipation of retirement.
- すでに飲食店を経営しています。メニューに焼き鳥を追加したいと考えていますが、受講は可能でしょうか?
- I already own a restaurant. I would like to add yakitori to my menu, can I take your course?
- 可能です。美味しい焼き鳥は看板商品にもなるメニューです。ぜひ受講し、プロの技を学んでください。
- It is possible. Delicious yakitori is a menu item that can become a signature product. Please take the course and learn professional skills.
- 研修を受ければ焼鳥屋が開業できますか?
- Can I open a yakitori restaurant if I take the training?
- 店舗を開業するには、焼き鳥が焼けるなど調理ができるだけでなく、さまざまな準備が必要です。資金の問題もありますので、この研修を受ければ開業できるというわけではありません。弊社は飲食店開業コンサルや開業をサポートするコースも用意がありますので、ご興味があれば、お気軽にお問い合わせください。
- Opening a restaurant requires not only the ability to cook yakitori but also various other preparations. There is also the issue of funding, so it is not possible to open a restaurant just by taking the training course. We also offer restaurant opening consultation and support courses, so please feel free to contact us if you are interested.
- 開業するか迷っているのですが、受講してもよいでしょうか?
- I am not sure if I want to open a restaurant.
- 開業するか迷っている状態でご参加される方もたくさんいらっしゃいます。向き不向きもあると思いますので、適正を判断すすためにもご受講いただければと思います。
- We have many people who attend our classes when they are not sure if they want to open a restaurant. People have different abilities, so we recommend taking the course to determine their suitability.
- 遠方に住んでいるのでセミナーに参加できません。ノウハウを知るにはどうすれば良いでしょうか?
- I live too far away to attend the seminar. How can I learn the know-how?
- 焼き鳥の仕込みや焼き方を詳しく学べる動画を用意しています。こちらをご購入いただければ、必要なノウハウが学べるようになっておりますので、ぜひご購入いただければと思います。
- We have prepared a video where you can learn in detail how to prepare and grill yakitori. We hope that you will purchase this video so that you can learn the necessary know-how.
焼鳥屋の開業についてOpening a Yakitori Restaurant
- 一人でも開業できるのでしょうか?
- Can I open a restaurant alone?
- 可能です。友人や両親などオープンを手伝ってくれる方がいると頼もしいですが、求人の効果的な方法や媒体、時期などの授業も行っております。
- It is possible. It would be better to count on friends, parents, and others to help with openings, but we also offer classes on effective methods, media, and timing of job openings.
However, we understand that there is some anxiety about opening the restaurant with only one owner and part-time staff.
Our staff professionals can also go to assist you with open support.
We would like to provide maximum backup without charging an additional fee, so please consult with us.
- 本当に成功するの?
- Will it really succeed?
- 残念ながら絶対に成功を保証する事はできません。オーナーになるお客様の目で判断する事も必要になってきます。
- Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee success. It is necessary for you, who will be the owners, to make the decision.